In the CMN Library, we have multiple computers available for community use. These computers are for community members to use. We do ask that those with professional or educational development needs have priority (i.e. if only one computer available and two people want to go on, one to fill out job application, the other to browse Facebook, Library staff may allow the first person to go on computer due to professional development needs).
Computers are a privilege, and Library staff have the ability to terminate a patron's time on the computer if the patron does not comply with the community computer agreement. The agreement states that patrons must adhere to the following rules: no downloading to the computer, no inappropriate sites, no cyber bullying, as well as following all other CMN computer policies.
At CMN Library, we offer many computer amenities including: printing, copying, and scanning. To use the computers, please see information under Community Computers. To print at the Library using the community computers, please be aware of the following:
1. Printing costs $0.10 per page printed - this includes all the pages printed.
2. Please use Print Preview before printing. Each page printed is charged, to make sure you are only printing the pages needed (or not printing that last page of just the website information), please use the print preview option.
3. Copying costs $0.15 per page in black and white, $0.25 for color.
4. Scanning/Emailing does not cost anything, however the printer may require a CMN email. To get around this, the scanned document may be sent to Library staff member, then forwarded to intended recipient.
If there are any questions, comments, concerns, please contact us at or 715-799-6226 ext. 3003, or stop in to talk with a Library staff member.
Inter-Library Loan (ILL) is a program that allows patrons to request books and other materials from other libraries that we are connected with. Patrons can fill out the REQUEST FORM and a Library Staff Member will search for your request. Most items take 1-2 weeks to arrive. Deliveries are usually on Wednesdays. Please be mindful of these dates if an item if needed at a certain time.
In order for CMN Library to maintain our relationship with these other libraries, items need to be returned on time. If a renewal is needed, please contact the ILL staff member at or 715-799-6226 ext. 3003.
Food & Drink Policy
Food and drink is allowed in the Library, however, due to the safety of the Library collections and equipment, certain areas are off-limits. Food and drink is allowed in the Library Foyer, the Second Floor, and the Lower Level, but not on the Main Floor. Food and drink in these areas must adhere to the 'Leave no Trace' policy: dispose of waste properly by trash cans and recycling bins and to leave what you find of library resources, furnishings, and equipment in same or better condition that what you found it.
Noise & Cell Phone Policy
Areas in the Library are available for more open conversation. However, the Second and Main Floors are usually for quieter areas, meant for study and independent work. Cell phones should be turned off or silent upon entering the Library. If you must answer a call, please move to the foyer. When a patron or group of patrons gets loud to the point of disturbing others, library staff will talk to the patron asking them to be quiet. Options will be offered such as the use of study room for group work, headphones if they are listening to audio, or moving to the foyer in the event they are using their cell phone in the library.
Children & Youth Policy
It is Library policy that children under the age of 14 (fourteen) be accompanied by an adult. The Library is not responsible for items a child view, listen to, or borrow. In the event that a minor is in the Library and being disruptive, Library Staff may contact a parent or guardian. Parents and responsible caregivers are solely responsible for educating and monitoring the activities of a minor in their legal custody and are responsible for all activity that a minor undertakes during use of library/computer resources. The CMN Library staff does not monitor the use of library and computer resources, including the Internet, with the purpose of determining whether the use of such resources is appropriate for minors.
Donations Policy
Gifts to the library are encouraged. However, gifts will be added to the collection only after the items have been evaluated to determine if they meet collection development guidelines. Donors should call the library if they have materials they wish to donate, or if they have any questions about the appropriateness /condition of their gifts.
It is customary for donors to bring their gifts to the CMN library. Pickup of donated items must be discussed with the Library Director.
All gifts will be acknowledged with a letter from the Library that indicates the number of volumes/issues/monetary amount given. The library cannot legally provide an appraisal or estimate of the value of the donated material.
Materials that are not added to our collection may be stored for potential use, sold, or discarded.
Donations must include a Donation Form. Donors may fill one out at the Library or use the Fillable PDF Form, and bring the printed copy in with donation.
Filming, Recording, & Photography in the Library Policy
When a patron or group of patrons gets loud to the point of disturbing others, library staff will talk to the patron asking them to be quiet. Options will be offered such as the use of study room for group work, headphones if they are listening to audio, or moving to the foyer in the event they are using their cell phone in the library.
Proctoring Exams
Faculty wishing to use library staff as proctors must make a request in advance of the exam in order to ensure staff availability and a quiet working environment.
Reference Assistance
S. Verna Fowler Academic / Menominee Public Library staff provides knowledgeable, personalized assistance to help patrons find information and select and use library resources.
Library staff treats all requests, and the patrons who make them, with respect. Appropriate assistance is provided courteously and impartially to all, regardless of age, background, disability, origin or views.
Staff uses information based on accurate and authoritative print and online sources, or acquired from a reliable authority.
No two reference questions are the same. Simple queries are usually answered quickly and fully. More complex questions may require the patron’s participation in the information search, with staff providing professional assistance and instruction. Staff can serve as a research consultant, providing guidance and advice on the search strategy and process.
In some instances, staff may need to limit the amount of time and level of response provided to a patron.
Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials
The Library welcomes citizens’ expressions of opinion concerning materials acquired for the Library collections. Request to remove or obtain materials will be considered within the context of the policies set forth in Collection Development Policy.
Exhibit and Display Guidelines
Our library has unique exhibit opportunities. Displays (or exhibits) should complement the mission and service philosophy of the Library.
We accept displays from individual artists and groups of artists. The requirements are somewhat different.
Both groups and individuals are asked to submit a display proposal, including information about the nature (theme) of the show, the medium, and information about the group or (for an individual) a resume. In addition, individuals are asked to provide a letter of reference from where they have exhibited before. Photos of potential works are helpful; however we do not currently have a jury system.
We remind potential artists/exhibitors of the following:
The Library is used by students, families, and children. This should be considered when choosing works to exhibit
The Library is not intended to be a commercial venue and prices are not posted. A price list can be made up and kept at the circulation desk with artist contact information.
The artist/exhibitor is responsible for hanging and taking down the display. The Library will provide a ladder. The Library will not be responsible for any damages or injuries incurred during this process.
Artists/exhibitors may create and post an artist’s statement or other description of the display.
The Library does not insure artworks/exhibits and assumes no liability in case of damage or theft.
Displays are one month in duration, and can be installed the first of the month and must be removed by the last day of the month that the Library is open.
We ask that each artist/exhibitor sign a contract three weeks before the arrival of the display. The contract includes information we may use for a press release or information to be posted on our website.