Step 1:
To begin, visit the Wisconsin Digital Library at
Find and click on the Sign in button at the top right corner.
Step 2:
To Select Your Library From the List Below, choose the Infosoup - Menominee Tribal/County Library. This is NOT the choice that is only 'Infosoup'. You must scroll down pretty far or type in the field to find it. Use your S. Verna Fowler Academic Library/Menominee Public Library Library Card number to sign in for your 'Library Card' field and the 'PIN' field.
To search by Subject, choose the Subjects option from the tabs in the top-left of the screen.
This will take you to an interactive page that you can filter a bit and click the options that best fit the subject you are looking for.
At the top of this page, you can filter based on format (all, ebooks, audiobooks, or video).
The formats then breakdown by genre, these are: Fiction, Nonfiction, Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Nonfiction, Young Adult Fiction, and Young Adult Nonfiction.
Click on the Subject that best meets your search. You'll then be sent to a results page.
See How to Check Out below.