Special Collections is located in the lower level of the College of Menominee Nation Library.
Special Collections is an archive and rare materials repository that contains non-circulating materials about the Menominee Indian Tribe and other Native peoples of Wisconsin. Materials cover topics that include culture, history, language, treaties, and government. Special Collections holds rare books, maps, microfilm, art, recordings, and more!!
Special Collections materials are continually being cataloged and organized, so be sure to visit us in person as well as looking at the online catalog. Finding Aids for archival materials will be added to this guide as they are completed.
Many items from Special Collections have been digitized. Click the link in the box below to visit the Digital Collection.
(Image courtesy of CMN S. Verna Fowler Academic Library/Menominee Public Library Special Collections / http://content.mpl.org/cdm/compoundobject/collection/cmnlsc/id/3592/rec/23)
Chief Sam Frog, Johnson Awohnopay, and Wayne Martin pose with Menominee men in traditional and modern dress, original print.
Special Collections is currently building a Digital Collection online. This digital collection of Menominee history contains news articles, letters, photographs, pamphlets, and much more. You can see a few of the Special Collections items which have already been digitized on this guide.
Click here to visit the Digital Collection.
(Image courtesy of CMN S. Verna Fowler Academic Library/ Menominee Public Library Special Collections / http://content.mpl.org/cdm/singleitem/collection/cmnlsc/id/3499/rec/28)
Reading Room Open Hours
By Appointment Only
Please call: (715) 799-6226, ext. 3003/3405
or email: bhuse@menominee.edu or library@menominee.edu
Research Forms
A quick guide to your research with contact information can be found on our Handout document.
To start your research with items in the lab or vault, please fill out Appendix A: Researcher Application.
If you would like digital copies of available items, please fill out Appendix B: Request for Reproduction.
Forms can be returned via in person or email
Reading Room
The Special Collections Reading Room is located in the lower level of the Library, next to the Children's Area. The Reading Room is where you can explore Special Collections materials--from maps to photos to recordings!
Before visiting, please take a moment to peruse policies and guidelines for the Special Collections Reading Room. Our materials require special care!
How To Research
Using this guide and the Special Collections, researchers can find a wide variety of information at the S. Verna Fowler Academic Library/Menominee Public Library Special Collections.
Use our Finding Aids to help navigate the various collections housed here. These will give you information on who created the collection, what dates are associated with it, what topics/scope is included, and where to find it in the Special Collections Vault or Lab.
Check out the Pathfinders page for research guides on different topics. These documents and links are gathered to help researchers have a starting point. Some of these topics are the Indian Boarding Schools, Menominee History, D.R.U.M.S., and more.