Click here to go to the SDI webpage!
The Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) is dedicated to examining sustainability issues and applying them to the Menominee model of sustainable development. Explore the SDI webpage to learn more about internship opportunities, gardening initiatives, climate change projects, and much more!
(Image courtesy of Pinterest /
Click here to go to the MTE webpage!
Menominee Tribal Enterprises is committed to excellence in the sustainable forest management. Learn more about sustain yield forestry and how MTE continues to lead the way in sustainability.
(Image courtesy of Menominee Tribal Enterprises /
The following are materials you might find useful related to indigenous peoples and issues of sustainability. Come explore the Library and Special Collections to discover even more!
Here are some books on sustainability and higher education. There are more in the Library! Come take a look!
Here are some fiction books that deal with environmental issues.
Here is a small sample of materials in the Library that might be useful when doing general research related to sustainability and sustainable development. Visit us in person to find more!
The following video, called "Food for Thought," was made by the 2014 Sustainability Leadership Cohort, a group of high school students committed to acting as change agents in their communities.
(Video courtesy of Wisconsin FastPlants Project and POSOH /
(Video courtesy of StoryofStuffProject /
(Video courtesy of RealEyesvideo /
Here is a small sample of materials that might be useful when researching forestry and natural resources, including Menominee forestry and Menominee Tribal Enterprises. Visit us in person to find more!
Sustainability is such a broad topic! The following materials are examples of just a few of the many applications of sustainability to different subjects! What others can you think of?
The following are Special Collections-specific materials related to the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, the Menominee Reservation, Legend Lake, and sustainability topics. Check out the Library and Special Collections for more!
(Image courtesy of Menominee Tribal Police Home Page /
Click here to learn more about the POSOH Project!
"POSOH" means "Hello" in Menominee language, but it also stands for "Place-based Opportunities for Sustainable Outcomes and High-hopes." The POSOH project is a joint venture between UW-Madison, the College of Menominee Nation, and educators, with the goal of fusing traditional indigenous knowledge with scientific knowledge in science teaching and learning. Explore the project's webpage to learn more!
(Image courtesy of POSOH project /
Read Dr. Cronon's "How to Read a Landscape"
(Image courtesy of William Cronon /
Check out the following sustainable development timelines to get an idea what different organizations consider to be landmark events...
International Institute for Sustainable Development
(Image courtesy of Durham University /
Here are some resource lists of Special Collections materials used by participants of past Forest Ecology Summer Institutes.
(Image courtesy fo phanlop88 /
Offers researchers the ability to retrieve high-resolution, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. The journals archived in JSTOR span many disciplines.
This is a subscription service that is available to CMN students, staff, & faculty only. You must access this site on campus.
(Image courtesy of Robert College /
Click Here to go to BadgerLink
Badgerlink provides access to journals, magazines, & newspapers for Wisconsin residents.
(Image courtesy of UW Extension /