Click here to go to the Sacred Little Ones Project
The Sacred Little Ones project builds on research and partnerships between CMN, Menominee Head Start, Menominee Tribal School, and Keshena Primary School to develop an early childhood education model that will provide Menominee children with the academic skills, motivation, support, and confidence necessary to succeed in elementary school.
(Image courtesy of College of Menominee Nation's Sacred Little Ones Project /
Click here to go to Wisconsin DPI
Wisconsin DPI provides information and resources about Wisconsin state academic standards, education budgets, licensing, and employment opportunities.
(Image courtesy of ETS /
Click here to explore the Common Core Standards for History/Social Studies
The new Common Core State Standards for history and social studies put a greater emphasis on student work with primary and secondary sources, as well as critical analysis.
(Image courtesy of Academic Library Association of Ohio /
Offers researchers the ability to retrieve high-resolution, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. The journals archived in JSTOR span many disciplines.
This is a subscription service that is available to CMN students, staff, & faculty only. You must access this site on campus.
(Image courtesy of Robert College /
Click Here to go to BadgerLink
Badgerlink provides access to journals, magazines, & newspapers for Wisconsin residents.
(Image courtesy of UW Extension /
The following video was created by Wisconsin Public Television Documentaries, and first aired August 26, 2014. In the video, Menominee Historic Preservation officer, Dave Grignon, shares the story of the Menominee people.
(Video courtesy of Wisconsin Public Television /
Here is a small sample of books at the Library that might be useful when researching Social Studies instruction and pedagogy. Visit us in person to find more!
Here are some educational materials related to Native peoples and cultures you might find useful. These can be found in the Library stacks, the Native American collection room, and in Special Collections. Come to the Library and take a look at these great resources!!
Here are some other materials you might find fun and helpful. Come explore the Library and Special Collections to discover even more!
Click here to go to the Carlisle Indian Industrial School Project page
Do you have relatives or loved ones who endured the boarding school experience at Carlisle? The Community Studies Center at Dickinson College, in partnership with the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections Department, has been working on a project digitizing resources related to the Carlisle Indian School.
Follow the above link to explore student files, images, publications, and collections related to Carlisle and its students. The search engine has the ability to filter materials by tribal affiliation.
(Image courtesy of Carlisle Indian Industrial School Project /